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Essay 3

The Leap



      I remember being terrified of this class when I first started this semester. I have never been good at writing since I was never taught how to write clearly and concisely without straying from the subject or including unneeded details. However, I discovered that it was easier for me to write if I went through everything and looked at specific strategies through the information and examples that came with each assignment. As I wrap up this semester, I've learnt three incredibly crucial skills: writing with flow, critical thinking, and correct citation.

      Learning how to keep my writing in flow without getting off topic has been a game changer. Writing in flow has resulted in my writing to be more coherent and well-structured writing. Ideas tend to emerge spontaneously, leading to more original and innovative content. Writing has become much more enjoyable because there are no mental obstacles and the thoughts flow naturally. Additionally, it enabled me to engage with the subject matter at a deeper level, which produced work that was more meaningful and in-depth. 

      I've observed that as I've completed more homework for this course, my critical thinking abilities have grown. I used to worry a lot that my writing was boring or sloppy. But critical thinking enabled me to make sense of my ideas and thoughts. It made it possible for me to systematically arrange material and communicate it in a way that was clear and concise. I feel more assured now that I can compose four-page essays without constantly repeating myself. Using critical thinking enhanced my ability to solve problems as well. When I completed my first essay for this class, I was able to observe this. I was able to think of some excellent ideas for reducing poverty. I was able to examine several approaches to the issue, analyze it, and draw well-founded conclusions.

      One of my biggest concerns when writing essays was doing the citation page since in my last English Composition class, I was taught to do it very differently. Still, I found it really interesting the different ways people do citations. Throughout my journey on learning the specific way to do citations in this class, I was really happy to see how you were always making sure to emphasize the importance of having credible sources. This helped me realize how important it is to give credit to the original authors and acknowledge their intellectual contributions. My ability to find, assess, and incorporate data from multiple sources into a logical and well-supported argument was significant to me because I felt like I had great references to support my topics and ideas. 

      The biggest takeaway that I took away from this class, among other from these three essential abilities, was to have confidence in myself. I've learned how intelligent and capable I am, thanks to this class. I discovered that if I continue to challenge myself, I can keep getting better and seeing outcomes. I can state with confidence that writing is becoming easier, and that if I only apply what I've already learned, I can produce essays that are truly excellent.

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